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Alpharetta Police Athletic League

Summer Camp

One of our favorite programs! Summer camp runs for two months every summer Monday thru Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm. This year we are offering Early drop off 7 am daily and Late pick up 6pm for an additional fee. **Camp for 2017 will be from June 5th through August 4th 2017. There is a one-week break when the camp will be closed. That will be the week of July 3rd-July 7th, 2017. Summer Camp Only - Mon-Fri 8-5 .To register for summer camp call 678-323-5205 (first come, first served basis, and deposit required to hold spot)
"$90.00 a week or $680.00 for 8 weeks"
"If you have 2 or more children $80.00 a week or $600.00 for 8 weeks"
Registration for Summer Camp 2017 is now open ! Please fill out the application before payment and bring it to the PAL location.
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